Sleep Trouble & Sleep Bubble
Sleep Trouble & Sleep Bubble
Sleep is meant to be restful so that your physical and spiritual self may replenish. There are ways to master the art and the power over your dreams. I would like to share my guided findings with those that are in need of less stress, better sleep, deeper understanding of the connection to the spirit and the self within.
Before you go to sleep imagine that you have a gold circle of energy above you head. When you close your eyes to rest try to visualise that light, draw a line around either side of your body closing under your feet. Like the sun shimmering its golden light, let this energy fill the space in between the lines you have drawn around your body. This is an easy first step toward healing from dark dreams. Remember that during sleep state you have the ability to use your thoughts repeat. The light inside me is greater than the darkness you bring and watch that dark energy disperse because it knows you are on your way to taking back your power.
Baby steps I know, however, it works, and I am living proof. Heal your own mind with guidance and relaxation. Retrain your brain take control of your needs taking your power back. Download Suchi guided relaxation and give yourself a break from the mountain of work, stress and possible anxiety let me Su of Suchi help you replenish your inner self.
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